Curriculum Vitae

Anne Edison-Albright

Recent Publications

Sundays and Seasons 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. Alternate worship texts, intercessory prayers, ideas and images; available through Augsburg Fortress.

Here We Stand: 2.0. Confirmation curriculum; available through Augsburg Fortress, 2010.

“Marj Leegard: Writer,” Lutheran Woman Today, June 2009.

“You Will Be My Witnesses,” Global Gleanings Global Mission Newsletter, February 2009

Pericope Partners story for July 8, 2007

LERNing, September 2006 (PDF link) Newsletter of the Lutheran Ecumenical Representatives Network.

“Faith Reflections,” An examination of the qualities and manifestations of Proverbs’ “Woman of Valor” for Café magazine, August 2006.

“One Bread, One Body,” A reflection on Pope Benedict XVI’s encyclical Deus Caritas Est for the Journal of Lutheran Ethics, August 2006.

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